As a prospective student there are few items to be aware of during the beginning stages of your application process. Traditionally, the PACS  program reviews and admits students and then forwards accepted student information to the Financial Aid Office. Our office will then reach out to accepted students via email, regarding the specific application process for Federal financial aid. Our email will include many of the same items listed on this site, but will be specific to your application.

In the meantime, prospective students are encouraged to begin the financial aid application process by completing the 2025-2026 FAFSA form online using school code G24620. FAFSA is a universal Department of Education form that is required for all University’s to determine a student’s eligibility for Federal aid.  Parental tax information is NOT required nor is it used for the calculation of your Federal loan offers.

Regardless of your program acceptance, our office will receive your FAFSA information and add it to our system as part of an official application of aid. However, as a prospective student your access to the student portal, Net Partner, will not occur unless you have been accepted into the program.

The priority processing deadline for admitted students is May 1, 2025. This allows us the opportunity to provide accepted students with a comprehensive financial aid package prior to the beginning of the program start date.